4th Grade EngageNY Supports
Since the release of EngageNY, the Math Collective has been developing resources to assist teachers in using the curriculum. Resources are organized by module. Links direct to Google Drive folders.
Click here for NEW Eureka Math Squared resources.
Module 1
Place Value, Rounding, and Algorithms for Addition and Subtraction
Module 2
Unit Conversions and Problem Solving with Metric Measurement
Module 3
Multi-Digit Multiplication and Division
Module 4
Angle Measurement and Plane Figures
Module 5
Fraction Equivalence, Ordering, and Operations
Module 6
Decimal Fractions
Module 7
Exploring Multiplication
Explanation of Math Collective EngageNY Resources
Pacing Guides
Pacing Guide Explanation:
Click to zoom
For each module in EngageNY, we have written a pacing guide to help teachers prioritize lessons and use effective structures for each topic.
Inquiry Lenses
Inquiry Lens Explanation:
Click to zoom
We have developed these guides to help teachers implement the EngageNY curriculum. They are designed to decrease direct instruction, raise the expectation of sense-making, and maximize the time students spend thinking and working. Inquiry lenses are written in the same general format, though some deviate from the EngageNY lesson more than others.
Modified Problems
Modified problem sets are designed so that students working at different levels of understanding may access the same big ideas in a lesson. Problem sets are labeled 1 and 2, or 1, 2, and 3. Lower numbered problem sets usually allow for greater access to concrete or pictorial tools, while higher numbers assume a greater facility with abstract symbols.